Certified Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy Practitioner
"Learning about Hypnosis changed my life so much... it was like switching the light on. I thought that Hypnosis was a trick until I opened my mind to it and I am so glad I did." Matt Barnett
Take this iGHyp™ International Guild for Hypnotherapists and ABH American Board of Hypnotherapy Certified Associate Practitioner Hypnosis training with internationally acclaimed, and the only ABH registered Hypnosis Trainer on here. Hypnosis Trainer and Coach Matt Barnett. So that you too can add the title of Hypnosis Practitioner to your C.V. and Business card. And Get membership with the American Board of Hypnotherapy
Imagine the benefit our client's will get from your new found skills..
Imagine being able to take any client and assist them through engaging with their unconscious mind so that change is rapid and comfortable
Gain access to Matt Barnett's exclusive Face book group.
Hypnosis is about communication. Communication with your unconscious mind for effecting positive change and results. In this program you will learn how to produce results for yourself and your clients at the unconscious level. And enjoy the benefits of a deep and rewarding trance state.
On completion of this course you will be able to obtain a certificate from my institute and this will enable you to apply for membership with the ABH and iGhyp.
144 Lessons
This is Certified Hypnotherapy Principals training. In this training you are going to learn, discover study, the incredible power of your unconscious mind and how to tap into it through the most powerful, empowering and long lasting Hypnotherapy tools available.
Overview of the Course
You will learn and we will discuss about what is and what isn’t possible with hypnosis and why that is the case. We will touch on beliefs and values and why these are important in hypnosis work. I will be dispelling some of the common myths surrounding hypnosis and give you some of the hard facts and truths about hypnosis which may be a little surprising for you especially when we cover stage hypnosis which of course you will learn about as well.
Try This Out
Knowing that you want the best results with this course, you could agree to leave your analytical conscious mind somewhere else while you study this course and keep an open mind. Because you will learn a lot in this lesson.
Why Would You Want to Learn about Hypnosis
In this lecture we will discuss some more of the benefits of learning Hypnosis. And then we will move on and look at how to ensure you get the very best out of this course and indeed any other course that you might be taking.
Getting the best out of this and any course
Cause and Effect
Causality or the cause and effect equation states that a cause causes a certain effect? What I mean by that is that there is a link between a cause event and a subsequent (effect) event. Where the cause happens first and the subsequent event is the effect. Or where the second event the effect is manifested as a result or consequence of the first cause event.
Responsibility for change and value
In this lecture, we are going to dig a little deeper into responsibility and how it relates to value. And I will be sharing with you one of the secrets for if you will be attracting money to you so stick around for that and let's discuss it here.
How to extract values from this course
In this lecture we will discuss what your learning objectives are for this course. And I guess the first thing to ask yourself is why are you studying this course? What is your objective for studying this particular course? Let;s find it out here.
Activity: Start your daily ritual
Activity: Commit to yourself
Find a partner
This might be in the form of a bunch of exercises that I will introduce and which we will do together or it may be to practice your linguistic skills or similar. Either way, you may want to find a partner to practice with as you go along and to share your experiences with.
Foundational Principals
What is Hypnosis
What is hypnosis? Well, in this lecture we are going to discuss about hypnosis, it is what you perceive or believe it to be, and whilst that is true for everything really, it is particularly relevant where hypnosis is concerned. Because of course, if you believe that you will get great results from hypnosis then you will if you believe that hypnosis doesn't work then it won't. We will come to more on beliefs a little later on. However, one thing that doesn’t seem to be in dispute is the fact that Hypnosis is a relaxing and a pleasant experience.
What Hypnosis is not
I have put this lecture as a separate section to the hypnosis myths, which are much more fanciful than what I am about to describe here, these are more misconceptions surrounding hypnosis that you may or may not have come across before.
When we are working with hypnosis, it is always a good idea to make the time to fully understand and respect your subjects model of the world and that includes very much understanding their values and beliefs limiting or otherwise. Lets discuss at what is involved when we are working with hypnosis, it is always a good idea to make the time to fully understand and respect your subjects model of the world and that includes very much understanding their values and beliefs limiting or otherwise.
Beliefs are our opinions formed in response to a perception created from external events that have no tangible evidence of truth. So, in fact, they can never be real or exist. So does that mean we should believe nothing? I don’t think that this would be possible. However, it would be useful if our beliefs supported our purpose.
Article: Simple Definition of Hypnosis
The Pleasure and Pain Principal
In this lecture of the pleasure and pain principal we will take a look at the concept of pleasure and pain and why it is so useful to us as Hypnotherapists and towards the end of this lecture, I am going to explain why some people live roller-coaster lives.
The benefit of NLP with Hypnosis
Where to learn NLP
Towards and away from values
In this lecture, towards and away from values and motivation from a different perspective. Pain is a strong motivator, it gets you up. Pleasure is also a strong motivator, but less though than pain in the short term. Think about it logically, If you are sat in a chair, and by getting up and walking across the room to tidy up your bookshelf you will get pleasure from your living room looking tidy.
History of Hypnosis
The truth about stage Hypnosis
In this section on stage hypnosis.You already probably have a picture in your mind of people dancing with brooms or acting like chickens. Certainly, if you are like most folk that is the type of picture that stage hypnosis conjures up. We will dig into the truth about stage hypnotism and towards the end of this lecture, and I will give you my own personal take on stage hypnotism and how I think it should be handled.
Brainwashing and Cults
This is an interesting point, perception as a whole subject is worthy of study, and what one thing means to me may mean something completely different to someone else. A useful thing to bear in mind when you are learning hypnosis and giving people suggestions to consider.
How we take in Suggestion
In this section, we are going to discuss the suggestion which is ultimately what hypnosis is all about, or at last being a good hypnotist is all about. I will teach how to get good at making suggestions to people in a way they want to receive them and then your clients will get great results.
The law of emotional dominance
In this lecture, we are going to carry on with these and have a discussion at the Law of Emotional Dominance which actually makes a lot of logical sense.
The Critical Faculty
In this lecture, you will agree to a fabulous subject and we also looked at NLP and the benefits of combining NLP with hypnosis. And you also discovered how to avoid being recruited into some kind of cult or strange organization and not many courses can boast that as a benefit on here.
The Human Brain
One of the things that are really important for me as a coach is for people to realize just how amazing they are, to truly understand the incredible potential that they have inside them. And one of the ways I like to get this point across is by showing them just what goes on in their system at the unconscious level from moment to moment. And that includes looking at the brain. And we will discuss it more here.
The Triune Brain
In this lecture we will discuss the incredible human brain in a little more detail. And discover in a very general overview the structure of the Human brain and by doing so you will understand from a physical perspective how our nonlinear unconscious mind interacts with each physical part of the brain to build up this whole system of self.
Left and Right Brained
Conditioned Response
In this lecture we are going to carry on and discuss with our study into suggestibility and we are going to look at the concept of rapport and you will see why this is so important to our success in hypnosis.
Pacing and Leading
Pacing or pacing current experience is best achieved and in fact IS, in fact, the process of building rapport intentionally through the process of matching and mirroring that we teach in building rapport with NLP.
The power of the yes set
Metaphor Design
The power intonation and meaning
In this lecture we will discuss about Utilization. It is a good way of feeding back to a client our own perception of what it is they are communicating, and this has a number of benefits.
Hypnotic History - Milton H Erickson
I am going to discuss another Hypnotic History Installment it is Milton H Erickson. Who many believe to be the godfather of hypnosis. Certainly there are few people that have influenced the development of Hypnosis as much as Milton H Erickson.
Types of Clients
Analytical and Non-Analytical
As you work with people what you will soon realize is that typically there are a couple of types of client and these are the analytical folk and the non analytical types of people and there is no better or worse type of person to be for hypnosis, its just that as a hypnotherapist we will deal with these types slightly different.
Matchers and Mismatchers
In this lecture we will discuss another general type of character which you will want to be aware of, they are the matchers and mis-matchers.
Inferential Vs Literal
I am going to discuss how to effectively communicate in any context a really useful skill to develop is the ability to change your communication style to match the preferred communication style of the person you are talking with, it aids in building rapport and importantly and especially relevant is the understanding of the communication style of your hypnosis subject.
Inductive thought Patterns
Suggestibility Tests for Analytical Bias
Finger Exercise
In this lecture, we are going to discuss another popular way of testing your client's ability to follow suggestion which will give you an indication as to whether they are predominantly analytical or non-analytical clients.
Postural Sway
Article: Suggestibility Tests
Hypnosis Myth and Mystery
MK Ultra
In this lecture we will look at some of the myths surrounding Hypnosis. One of the things we are asked about a lot is the idea of people being turned into super-spies that once hypnotized are set out into the world to carry on their normal business only to have their alternative state triggered into action by a keyword or phone call. Many people want to know if it is possible, and there has even been Hollywood blockbusters about the subject. So is there any truth in all of this? You will discover the answer in this lesson.
Hypnosis Myths
We will discover and discuss a few myths about the actual hypnosis process and trance itself.
Your Unconscious Mind
The Conscious Mind
We are going to discuss and start our journey into the mind and the amazing powerhouse you have at your disposal to achieve incredible things. And then coming up I am going to share with you how your unconscious mind works on autopilot to achieve things on your behalf.
The Unconscious Mind
In this lecture, we will discuss the unconscious mind is truly where all the fun happens. The unconscious mind is an incredible phenomenon. The unconscious mind might be thought of as the feeling mind, it is where the emotions dwell and where imagination and creativity are in abundance and where we can dare to dream impossible things
Transderivational Search
Let's discuss at how this unconscious mind of our makes connections with the suggestions we give it in hypnosis to make long-lasting change and then coming up we will be looking at the different type of speaking and listening styles that will help us to refine the way in which we deliver our hypnosis sessions.
Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind
Stores All Memories
Organises All Memories
May Repress Memories
Presents Repressed Memories for Resolution
May Keep Repressed Memories Repressed for Protection
Runs the Body
Preserves the Body
Is a Highly Moral Being
Needs Clear Instructions to Follow
Controls and Maintains Perceptions
Generates Stores and Distributes Energy
Maintains and Generates New Habits
Needs Repetition Until A New Habit Is Installed
Unconscious Mind Is Conditioned To Seek Out More
Works Best As A Whole Integrated Unit
Unconscious Mind Is Symbolic
Takes Everything Personally
Does Not Process Negatives
Is The Domain Of The Emotions
Works On The Path Of Least Resistance
The History of Hypnosis
Egyptian Sleep Temples
In this lecture, we are going to discuss some more information about Egyptian sleep temples. And hypnosis as we know it is still considered a ‘new age’ therapy, however it has been around for many thousands of years in one form or another, and to fully understand where hypnosis originated and why this is not just a passing fad we need to go back an look at some of the earlier history and evidence of hypnosis back to the ancient world.
Mesmer's Animal Magnetism
Greatrakes the great Irish Stroker
James Braid
Stages of Hypnosis
Brain Waves
The 6 Stages of Hypnosis
Before You Attempt Hypnosis
Personal History
When to and when not to use hypnosis
Dealing with resistant clients
Get your Hypno voice on
Rhythmic Delivery Exercise
Preparation for trance
Contraindications for Hypnosis
Ideo Motor Response and the Pendulum
Ideo Motor Response
Ideomotor responses are involuntary movements in a clients physiology, caused by minute muscle contractions. Theses are SO slight that even the person performing the action is unaware of them consciously which is what makes them so incredibly useful for the hypnotherapist. Particularly if you are an attentive hypnotherapist with what is known as good sensory acuity. By recognizing, these small physical responses to questions you can utilize them and further communicate with the unconscious mind.
Affecting change with the Pendulum
Now that we have the idea of the pendulum well and truly in place. In this lecture we will discuss on how do we actually go about using it to create change within an individual.
How to use the Pendulum
The Conscious Use of Language
Introduction to Primary Representational Systems
We are going to move on and discuss to another really interesting topic in NLP and that is representational systems. And when we have that nicely wrapped up we will move on to a technique that you can learn a skill that you can develop that will enable you to tell what someone’s representational system is by simply talking with them and looking at what is going on with their eyes. That’s coming up and just imagine how good it will be to communicate with someone and know exactly how to construct your communication so that you know what you are saying or showing people will at the very least be seriously considered
Representational System Preference Test
In this lecture you will be taken representational system preference test and discuss it. You should have gone through each of the questions and indicated a preference in response to each of the questions. And you probably already have a fairly clear idea of your representational system preference or bias.
Predicates and Their Use
We will study through something now called predicates and we will start with what they are and give you some examples of predicates commonly used and how they relate to someone’s preferred representational system and then. We will go through how you can actually use these with other people.
Predicate Phrases
You will discover some predicate phrases and I will give you a few examples of predicate phrases that you might adapt and that will give you an idea about how to use these with people.
Body Posture
If you recall whenever we process information we change our internal representations and this, in turn, has an impact on our physiology. And it just so happens that there are some fairly typical physiological traits that can be associated with representations systems. Which means of course that without even saying a single word, it is absolutely possible to tell what someone’s preferred rep system is just by observing their physiology which is what I am going to share with you in this lecture.
Observation Peripheral Vision
In this lecture we are going to look into the concept of fixation for the purpose of helping us to induce a trance state . And Inducing trance through the use of fixation is quite possibly the method that springs to mind for most people when they picture a hypnotist guiding someone into a deep trance.
Progressive Relaxation
Fixation Induction
In this lecture I want to show you the fixation induction in action. But before we start this little exercise I need to quickly remind you that you mustn’t do this if you are driving or operating machinery. If you are not sat comfortably somewhere safe, then you can save this lecture for when you get home…
That's right
In this exercise you can go through to beginning to take someone into a light trance state. Get together with your partner, and sit opposite each other in comfortable chairs and then, you as the hypnotist simply start by asking your partner to close their eyes and begin to relax.
The Handshake Induction
In this lecture we are going to discuss about handshake induction, if you are like a lot of people, then you’ll probably be attracted by the seemingly magical nature of hypnosis and the ability to put someone into a trance in an instant. You have probably seen the situation on TV or on youtube where a hypnotist walks up to someone shakes hands and boom the client is in trance. And that's what this lecture is about.
Library of life script demo
Talk to the hand induction
Glue eye induction
Confusion Induction
Depth of Trance
The Depth of Trance
We will discuss about testing the depth of trance what we are referring to is how relaxed the client is, how detached the conscious mind is and how engaged the unconscious mind is and how receptive the client is to suggestion.
When does trance start
When did all of that induction stuff change from being nicely relaxed to being in a trance? The truth is as I have said before that the two are pretty much the same and we will discuss it here.
Lecron Bordeaux and Davis Husband scoring system
Testing the Depth of Trance
Daisy Test
would like you now to think about a Daisy, a beautiful Daisy. This Daisy has 10 petals on it. I want you to visualize that you’re pulling out each petal, one by one, thinking that the number 10 is the most relaxed that you can be and number 1 the least relaxed you can be, while pulling the petals out, stop at the number that best reflects how relaxed you are right now . . .(Wait a few seconds and give them time enough to complete the task)Now tell me what number are you relaxed at
Now that we have discuss and know how to take someone into a trance state, the next thing that we want to do is to deepen the trance state and we do that through the use of deepeners and we will going to discuss it here.
Fractionation Voigts Fractionation
Example Deepener - The Staircase
Awareness Deepener *
Activity: Write a Deepener
Create confusion with the Time Scramble
Floating to relaxation
The Arm Levitation
Unpacking the arm levitation
Eyes Wide Shut
In this lecture I want to discuss to you a nice quick convincer that you can use with a client, to convince both them and yourself that they have successfully been following the process and have been taken into trance. And it called eyes wide shut for a reason because I believe that by using this convincer not only do you satisfy any doubts you or a client may have about the ability to go into trance. I believe that you open up a new conduit altogether which can be quite an intense experience as you are about to find out.
Arm levitation Part 2
Unpacking arm levitation Part 2
Magnetic Hands
Postural Sway
Anxiety Control
You can relax
You can stop smoking
You can lose weight
YOU can be confident
The Business of Hypnosis
Pre-sessions talk
The pre-amble or pre-talk is a critical and often overlooked part of the whole process of hypnosis. This pre-amble enables you as the hypnotist to dispel any of the myths surrounding hypnosis and allow the client to relax into the process giving them the best chance of a successful session.
Personal History Overview
This first of a number of lectures that cover the history of Hypnosis. And based on some feedback from students of other courses of mine what I have done with the history of hypnosis here is to break it up and spread it out across the sections and lectures in the course. So essentially what that means is that from time to time you will get another installment in the history of hypnosis dropped into the course rather than have the whole topic which people have said they found to be quite dry bundled into one section. And I think it is important to get a good insight into where hypnosis has come from and certainly as part of this certification program it is knowledge you need if you want to get your certificate.
Personal History
So in this lecture, we are going to discuss about gathering some more information from your client to assist you in helping them and constructing a good session and strategy for the client. So let's discover.
Before meeting the client
In this lecture we are going discuss before meeting the client. Most of the time before a client comes to see you you will have had some other form of communication with them. This is usually either on the phone, email or some kind of online messaging system. And at this stage we have a a great opportunity to gauge how receptive potential client is going to be.
The Hypnosis Session
When you will have gathered all of the information you need to be able to give your client a good experience of trance. That's what we are going to discuss here.
Identifying the presenting problem
A word on the presenting problem
Legal Stuff & Sensible Behaviour
In this lecture I want to give you a little advice about keeping yourself covered and safe as you are working as a Hypnotherapist. Over here in the UK hypnosis is not regulated, or rather it’s self regulated by independent organizations. Before you go rushing out and hypnotizing everyone you may want to check what the situation is in your country. Either way there are a few things you probably do to be professional and protect yourself, so let's discuss it here.
On Going Coaching
Self Hypnosis
Basic methods for Self Hypnosis
Installing self hypnosis with clients
The six stages of a hypnosis session
Self Hypnosis scripts - The Garden
All Hypnosis is self hypnosis
Self Hypnosis Script 1
Self Hypnosis Script 2
Creating recorded session
Bonus Section
I Want to show you how YOU can build your own six figure coaching business. Imagine if you could finally earn what you deserve... What would you do with an additional 1, 5, 10, 100k per month? Join me in this exclusive webinar and discover how I went from being flat broke and in debt to an international coach earning high six figures and how you can too... Click on the link below and lets get started. CLICK THIS LINK AND LETS GET STARTED https://hi.switchy.io/1CK7
Bonus Lecture
Certification instructions